NBI Information


State: New York

County: Tompkins County

Feature Carried: Pedestrian Path

Feature Crossed: Beebee Lake

Latitude, Longitude: 42.45177, -76.47312

Structure Open, Posted, or Closed to Traffic: Open to Pedestrians


Year Built: 1959

Year Reconstructed: 2012

Picture Date: April 7, 2024


Lanes on Structure: 1

Lanes under Structure: 0

Skew: 45 degrees

Number of Main Spans: 1

Main Structure Type: Arch - Deck

Main Structure Material: Concrete


Bridge is not on the National Bridge Inventory

Bridge Information

The Sackett Foot Bridge crosses the east end of Beebee Lake and carries a pedestrian path, which travels around the lake. The trail was built by the Cornell Class of 1959, so it can be assumed that the bridge was built at the same time.

The bridge was damaged by Hurricane Irene in 2011. It was repaired using reinforced concrete, with a masonry facade. This mirrored the look of the original bridge, while being more durable and flood resistant.

The Sackett Foot Bridge is named after Colonel Henry Woodward Sackett, who was a generous donor from the Cornell Class of 1875. He was born in Enfield, New York on August 31, 1853, and he enrolled in Cornell in 1869 at the age of 16. He graduated in 1875 with highest rank in mathematics, and he became a specialist in libel law. Sackett was always interested in the preservation of historic places, fine scenery and historic traditions.


  • Cornell University: https://veteransmemorials.cornell.edu/sackett-bridge/

  • Cornell Chronical: https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2013/06/gorge-work-stewards-increase-safety-natural-areas


Jackson Street Skew Arch