NBI Information


State: New Jersey

County: Morris County

Feature Carried: NJ-23

Feature Crossed: Pequannock River and Hamburg Turnpike Southbound

Latitude, Longitude: 41.0112,-74.3693

Toll: On free road

Maintenance Responsibility: State Highway Agency

Structure Open, Posted, or Closed to Traffic: Open, no restriction


Year Built: 1934

Historical Significance: Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.

Year Reconstructed: None

Picture Date: March 14, 2024


Lanes on Structure: 4

Lanes under Structure: 1

Skew: Unknown

Number of Main Spans: 6

Main Structure Type: Girder and Floorbeam System

Main Structure Material: Steel Continuous

Number of Approach Spans: 2

Approach Structure Type: Girder and Floorbeam System

Approach Structure Material: Steel


Inspection Date: March 2021

Deck Condition: Serious

Superstructure Condition: Fair

Substructure Condition: Fair

Channel Condition: Satisfactory

Culvert: Not Applicable

NBI Year: 2023

Bridge Information

NJ Route 23 was originally built in the 1930’s. As part of this construction, numerous bridges were constructed and rehabilitated. This bridge was constructed in 1934, and is a six span steel girder and floorbeam system. In 2024, construction began to replace the bridge with a new bridge. Unforutenly, there is very little available about this project.


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