NBI Information


State: Pennsylvania

County: Cumberland County

Feature Carried: Bishop Road (T-612)

Feature Crossed: Yellow Breeches Creek

Latitude, Longitude: 40.1589,-76.9768

Toll: On free road

Maintenance Responsibility: County Highway Agency

Structure Open, Posted, or Closed to Traffic: Bridge closed to all traffic


Year Built: 1898

Historical Significance: Bridge is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.

Year Reconstructed: None

Date Closed: July 22, 2021

Picture Date: November 19, 2023


Lanes on Structure: 1

Lanes under Structure: 0

Skew: 0 degrees

Number of Main Spans: 1

Main Structure Type: Truss - Thru

Main Structure Material: Aluminum, Wrought Iron, or Cast Iron

Number of Approach Spans: 0

Approach Structure Type: None

Approach Structure Material: None


Inspection Date: October 2021

Deck Condition: Satisfactory

Superstructure Condition: Critical

Substructure Condition: Serious

Channel Condition: Fair

Culvert: Not Applicable

NBI Year: 2023

Bridge Information

The Bishop Road Bridge is a closed and seemingly abandoned bridge in Pennsylvania. It was originally built in 1898 and is a pin-connected Pratt Through Truss.

This bridge is an excellent example of the last standard truss design that the Wrought Iron Bridge Company used before it was bought out by the American Bridge Company in 1900. The distinctive features include a-frame portal bracing with attractive builder plaques on the top. In addition, the vertical members are built-up members with v-lacing that is oriented so that it faces the roadway. This bridge is also noteworthy because the design does not have any alterations.

The bridge was closed in 2014 after key bridge components deteriorated, and reopened in 2015 after short-term repairs were made. In 2018 the Board of Commissioners for York and Cumberland Counties voted to close the bridge if significant repairs were necessary in the future. The bridge was permanently closed to traffic on July 22, 2021 after a routine inspection found ongoing and significant structural damage.


  • Historic Bridges: https://historicbridges.org/bridges/browser/?bridgebrowser=pennsylvania/bishoproad/

  • Penn Live: https://www.pennlive.com/news/2021/07/bridge-connecting-central-pa-counties-permanently-closes-after-123-years.html


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