NBI Information


State: New York

County: Tompkins County

Feature Carried: Forest Home Drive

Feature Crossed: Fall Creek

Latitude, Longitude: 42.4531,-76.4706

Toll: On free road

Maintenance Responsibility: County Highway Agency

Structure Open, Posted, or Closed to Traffic: Open, no restriction


Year Built: 1996

Historical Significance: Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.

Year Reconstructed: None

Picture Date: April 7, 2024


Lanes on Structure: 1

Lanes under Structure: 0

Skew: 0 degrees

Number of Main Spans: 1

Main Structure Type: Stringer/Multi-beam or Girder

Main Structure Material: Steel

Number of Approach Spans: 0

Approach Structure Type: None

Approach Structure Material: None


Inspection Date: October 2022

Deck Condition: Good

Superstructure Condition: Satisfactory

Substructure Condition: Good

Channel Condition: Good

Culvert: Not Applicable

NBI Year: 2023

Bridge Information

The Forest Home Drive West Bridge (not to be confused with the East Bridge) was originally built in 1904 as Warren Pony Truss. It is the oldest surviving pony truss in Tompkins County.

However, this bridge underwent a major rehabilitation in 1996 (the NBIS considers it a full replacement). During this project, steel beams were added under the bridge to carry the load. The trusses are now decorative, and do not serve any structural purpose.


  • Historic Bridges: https://historicbridges.org/bridges/browser/?bridgebrowser=newyork/foresthome2/

  • Pocket Sights: https://pocketsights.com/tours/place/Forest-Home-Bridge-%28West%29-3865:443


Forest Home Drive Bridge (East)


Freese Road Bridge