NBI Information


State: New York

County: Tompkins County

Feature Carried: Freese Road

Feature Crossed: Fall Creek

Latitude, Longitude: 42.4569, -76.4385

Toll: On free road

Maintenance Responsibility: County Highway Agency

Structure Open, Posted, or Closed to Traffic: Bridge closed to all traffic


Year Built: 1920

Historical Significance: Bridge is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.

Year Reconstructed: 1952

Picture Date: April 7, 2024


Lanes on Structure: 1

Lanes under Structure: 0

Skew: 0 degrees

Number of Main Spans: 2

Main Structure Type: Truss - Thru

Main Structure Material: Steel

Number of Approach Spans: 0

Approach Structure Type: None

Approach Structure Material: None


Inspection Date: November 2022

Deck Condition: Fair

Superstructure Condition: Satisfactory

Substructure Condition: Poor

Channel Condition: Fair

Culvert: Not Applicable

NBI Year: 2023

Bridge Information

The original Freese Road Bridge was built in 1887 and was destroyed in a flood in 1922. At that point, the 1882 Sherwood Mills Bridge, which was sitting a few miles upstream, was moved to this site. The date that the NBI gives is the relocation date, not the original construction date. The new bridge is a Pratt pony truss and is an extremely rare example of a pin-connected continuous two-span bridge. It is said to be one of the last two-span, pin-connected Pratt pony truss bridges left in America. Most pin-connected bridges were built as simple spans.

This bridge was closed on December 10, 2021, due to safety concerns. The Town of Dryden tried to sell the historic bridge, but they did not receive any offers. They have ultimately decided to replace the bridge with a steel girder bridge, but the historic trusses will be added to the fascia to keep the current look. It will still be a one-lane bridge, but will have a wide sidewalk. The new bridge is currently in design, with construction anticipated to start in 2025.


  • Historic Bridges: https://historicbridges.org/bridges/browser/?bridgebrowser=newyork/freese/

  • Dryden NY: https://dryden.ny.us/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/5.l-PIN-3756.41_FINDING-DOCUMENT_Draft-6-13-19-ID-1781358.pdf

  • The Ithaca Voice: https://ithacavoice.org/2023/05/town-of-dryden-moves-forward-with-freese-road-bridge-replacement-plans/


Forest Home Drive Bridge (West)


Long Branch Road Bridge