NBI Information


State: New York

County: Onondaga County

Feature Carried: Long Branch Road

Feature Crossed: Onondaga Lake Outlet

Latitude, Longitude: 43.1173,-76.2444

Toll: On free road

Maintenance Responsibility: State Highway Agency

Structure Open, Posted, or Closed to Traffic: Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted)


Year Built: 1915

Historical Significance: Historical significance is not determinable at this time. 

Year Reconstructed: 1999

Picture Date: April 8, 2024


Lanes on Structure: 1

Lanes under Structure: 0

Skew: 0 degrees

Number of Main Spans: 1

Main Structure Type: Thru Truss

Main Structure Material: Steel

Number of Approach Spans: 2

Approach Structure Type: Girder and Floorbeam System

Approach Structure Material: Steel


Inspection Date: August 2022

Deck Condition: Satisfactory

Superstructure Condition: Poor

Substructure Condition: Satisfactory

Channel Condition: Very Good

Culvert: Not Applicable

NBI Year: 2023

Bridge Information

The Long Branch Road Bridge is a six panel Warren through truss bridge, with two girder and floorbeam approach spans. It was originally built in 1915 and was renovated in 1999.


  • Historic Bridges: https://historicbridges.org/bridges/browser/?bridgebrowser=newyork/onondagalakeoutlet/


Freese Road Bridge


Ouaquaga Bridge